Sunday, December 4, 2016

Him Vs Him Pt.1

What’s up my 100s!!! I hope your weekend is going great! Lord knows Monday is just right around the corner…unfortunately lol Ok so here’s a scenario for the ladies…You’re single. You’ve had many bad dates and failed relationships; however, through it all, your best friend (who happens to be gay) has been there for you. He has been your support system through all the trials and tribulations. And not just the heartbreaks; the family drama, other friends and thepettiness, deaths…the list goes on. Your best friend has been there uplifting you every step of the way. You can tell him anything and it stays between you two. He’s your ride or die, your ace boon coon!

One day, you finally decide to take his advice. You realize you are at the point in your life where you’re focus should be on you. You are comfortable with who you are and ok with being single. You’ve decided to live your life and let love happens when God says it’s time. Then BOOM the time comes, and when you least expect it. He courts you for about a month or so and now you’re dating. He seems to be the man of your dreams. Everything appears to be great with him. He has a good job, his own car, own place, he does have one kid, but no baby mama drama. In fact, you’ve met the baby mama and she’s kinda cool. There are no lingering feelings, just co-parenting.  He’s a great father and still appears to want more kids in the future. Speaking of which, he’s so comfortable with talking about the future and his goals in life. He’s a man with a plan lol. He’s a God fearing man and attends church more than just the communion service once a month. He’s just a breath of fresh air. Not to mention he’s a beast in the bedroom! Dick so good, he got you cooking breakfast, lunch AND dinner! And he makes sure you get yours ;)

Your two leading men haven’t met each other yet but you feed smalltidbits about them to each other. After a few months, you decide you want them to meet. So ya’ll go out to dinner or whatever so you can make your two worlds collide! Everything seems to go great, your best friend is being himself and making you laugh, however you notice your boyfriend is kind of quiet. He’s being unusually quiet, seeing as he’s able to hold a conversation about pretty much anything. 

So when the night winds down, and he’s driving you home, you ask him was something wrong. He hesitates and responds he didn’t realize your best friend was gay. And that you never mentioned that before. You ask if that would be a problem and he replies bluntly yes.  He does not like gay people, at all. He explains they make him uncomfortable, he doesn’t agree with their lifestyle and makes a conscience effort to avoid being around “those people”. He admits he’s severely homophobic and the thought of having to be around “someone like that” disgusts him.

For the first time, you’re seeing something in him you don’t care for. He explains, your friend seems nice, but he has no interest in being around him. If they move in together, he doesn’t want your friend there when he’s home. And he definitely doesn’t want “his” kids around that sort of behavior. So you can still have your friend, your worlds just can’t collide the way you want…What do you do? Do you try to maintain your friendship and keep your worlds separate and just expect your friend to understand? That means he won’t be at your wedding, any big birthday parties, your friend can’t come, and he won’t be able to have anything to do with your kids. So he definitely won’t be an “uncle”, “auntie” or “godparent”. 

 Or do you breakup with the man you’ve been waiting for? I mean, he is pretty much everything you’ve wanted in a man, even your mama like him. He has structured goals and will be an amazing father. This is who you want to spend the rest of your life with! What do you do?????

I personally would never stand in the way of my friend’s happiness. It may not be right but girl go get your man if that’s what you want. But to be honest in a situation like this…the friendship would dwindle. Because one, you’re still choosing, even though you may convince yourself you’re choosing both, you’re really choosing your man. But you will adhere to his restrictions. I would hope I’ve taught my girlfriends enough that a homophobic man has deeper issues than him “just not liking gays”. Two, if I’m your best friend and you have so much respect for me, the gay community and our culture, why would you wanna be with someone like that? Why would you wanna raise kids with someone who wants them to be closed minded and become possible bullies???? I don’t know, it’s a sticky situation, but either way, keep it 100 with me and let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Wake UP!!!!

Hey what’s up my 100s! I hope your weekend is going GRAND. lol Turkey day is right around the corner…literally! I will be expecting a plate from each and every one of you. Inbox me for the address lol Just joking…not really… ANYWAY! So I had another blog planned, but this topic deserves immediate attention. Most likely you’ll get the other at the end of the week or next week. So by now, I’m sure everyone has heard about Kanye West and his antics. Out of respect for my girl Kim, I won’t dig too hard into him.

The goal of this blog is to wake people the fuck up. On one hand I get it. People don’t buy music anymore because they can get it for free. Whatever. That’s on you when the people start coming for that ass. But I support my artist. But not just ANY and EVERY artist. I support those who treat their fans with respect. Rappers like Kanye West makes me sick. He only acts the way he acts because you people let him. I swear I would NEVER give that fool my damn money. He performed 3 songs last night and left the stage. What the FUCK! This ain’t the first time he did this shit. He did it a few weeks ago and ya’ll still spending your hard earned money for him to walk off on you. That’s how much he respects your time and money. He respects his fans enough to perform 3 songs, cry over Jay-Z and then walk off stage. Fuck your time, your hotel fare, your airfare, AND your last bit of PTO, because he wants to be in his feelings.

Same thing with Justin Bieber, this fool showed his ass ALL year! He gives his fans his ass to kiss. Yet ya’ll still spending dollars making this ungrateful bitch rich! WHYYYY? Then you wanna look crazy when he says off the wall shit!  You allow him to do it!

Let me tell you, it took Monica ONE TIME. ONCE! That bitch had me waiting FOUR HOURS to see her perform 6 songs in less than 15 minutes. That hoe will never get me to pay to see her again. If I don’t win it, I ain’t going! K. Michelle had the nerve to be late year and didn’t even apologize. Rihanna showing up on stage LATE, and high as hell. It’s an insult! These people, our “entertainers” are taking our money and giving us their asses to kiss! It’s time out for that shit.

You stop paying 10 bucks for the music, but you’ll pay $100 to be disrespected in your face!? Lauryn Hill won’t come out on stage if she’s not “in her zone”. Fuck your dollar, because she’s not in her zone. STOP MAKING PEOPLE RICH WHO DON”T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! Say what you want about BeyoncĂ©, but that bitch be on stage falling down stairs, bleeding, hair caught in fans, throat burning and sick as a dog, but not missing a beat to make sure she gives her fans the show they paid to see.

You’ve already stopped buying their music. So these artists have to tour to make money. Cut that shit OFF, therefore; they will have no choice but to get that shit right. These celebrities act like they on top of the world. Although it IS entertainment, it’s still a job. And what happens when you get to acting stupid thinking you’re above it all on your job??? They stop paying your ass! Stop giving your money to people that don’t respect you, or your time! And that’s keeping it 100!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Growing Pains

What’s up my 100s! It’s just a typical Thursday night. School is done for the week….at least the classroom portion lol And I’m relaxing before the weekend. Most people that know me know that I was born to parents that were older. They loved me and taught me many fundamentals. Now unlike my friends, I didn’t have siblings to grow up with and go through the growing pains. My siblings were pretty much already grown. So the three of them would pitch in to help fill the spots that parents couldn’t fill.

Growing up, I would observe a woman learning herself as time went along. From the outside looking in she had the life hunny. A husband that made good money, nice apartments, even left Jacksonville for the fast paced Atlanta. Eventually the life people thought she had was gone and she eventually came back to pick her pieces up and move forward. Before then and even after, I spent a lot of time with her. So much so that her coworkers thought I was her child. Lol. She didn’t know it but I studied her. Her work ethic and the lifestyle she craved. I knew one day, I would get me an office job and work the shit out of it. And stay in Baymeadows, just like my sister. Although heavily burdened by being the oldest, she’s a survivor. She taught me that no matter what life threw at you, you can survive it with faith and love. The same lessons she passed down to my beautiful niece.

Growing up, I only knew one role in my family…the baby. I used to wish for a younger brother so bad. It never dawned on me until this moment that I’d be giving up my power. The power of being the youngest child goes deeper beyond words. You get away with EVERYTHING. So naturally when a person is the baby for years and then there role is stolen (hehe), there is bound to be tension. I never understood at such a young age why he was gone so much. And his journey still amazes me. Fathering a child out of high school, going into the military and having a wife, there left not much bonding time for us. I remember thinking he left because he didn’t like me. I don’t know when or where that feeling passed, but obviously it has. He was gone most of my childhood, but would visit when he could. He didn’t know that although there was tension, every time he left to go back to Virginia, I would cry. I remember one time, I sat outside for about an hour after he left, crying. And when he finally came back for good....Lord help us lol The sibling rivalry that I heard so much about came in new and hard. We had our own growing pains for years. Often saying hurtful things that can never be taken back. His road was long, grinding and entering into entrepreneurship and kicking the doors open. I admired his hustle. He taught me that I could do anything. I would never know how something will work out unless I try. And anything worth doing, do it right. I told myself I wanted to have the things I want and work hard for them, just like my brother.

Growing up, there were often things I didn’t understand. Mostly why life dealt good people such hard hands. There were often period where he wasn’t there. But it always felt like he was. With one brother off living life and serving the country, I gravitated to the other. It felt like I was always there with him. I was so apart of his life that sometimes I forgot who my ACTUAL parents were. Lol From the outside looking in, he had it all. A great job, wonderful wife, laid apartment, nice cars, great social life. It was everything I wanted for myself. I knew I’d have this life when I got older. Although he made many, and I mean many mistakes he was always a positive beacon for me. He taught me to be leader, not a follower. He also taught me what NOT to do lol I looked up to him the most. He didn’t know, there was once that I broke this kid’s nose for saying something bad about him. I knew when he got the chance to be a fulltime father, he’d make a great one. No matter what life threw at him, he overcame it. Through his trials, I knew that I could overcome anything, no matter how dark it may seem, because my brother is a fighter.

My parents left me in good hands. Three different experiences. Three different perspectives of life. I was lucky. I know we don’t talk often and probably see each other less than that, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. I’m so proud of the strong individuals they have become and the lives they’ve made for themselves. Even though they can get on my nerves sometimes, I love them to death…and isn’t that what siblings are all about anyway lol And that’s keeping it 100!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Positive State of Mind

What’s up my 100s!!! I hope everyone had a great week! This week has been a bit rough for me. I’m getting back into the swing of school and I’m trying to force myself into new study habits. Lord knows I’m a procrastinator. Through it all, I am determined to stay positive.

Speaking of which, I know that a lot of times when you’re going through it becomes difficult to have a positive state of mind. Letting the devil in and letting him win is not an option. The world is filled with so much hate and discourage right now. The club Massacre. Cops shooting people, people killing cops. The uncertainty of who will win the upcoming presidency. Natural disasters taking away everything you hold dear. Hearts being shattered by betrayal. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like the world is out to get you. It becomes so easy to believe that no cares and it’s better to have a fuck it attitude. Trust me, it’s not. Now more than ever we have to stay positive and promote positivity. Start speaking life with your words. If work is a little shaky, think something positive and hold on to that thought to make it through. If someone fucks your day up, don’t stay in that funk. Speak it out loud, change your whole way of dealing with situations. If your response to everything bad is, sometimes shit just fucking sucks, then what kind of turn around do you think you’ll have.

I’m not perfect, Lord knows I have moments when I’m Debbie Downer. But I try not to let my negative situations get the best of me. I don’t choose the “positive way” every time. But when I do, I feel better... And it may not even happen every single time, but isn’t worth not letting it get the best of you. And that’s all I’m saying, the more you fuel negativity the higher the flame will be. Extinguish it with positivity, you don’t wanna be engulfed and burn the hell up…And that’s keeping it 100! I know that last part was a bit corny but for real though, with so much negative bullshit going on in the world, when are we gonna stop feeding it. Change your thought process and who knows what you can change based off that alone. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Don't you bring me....NO BAD NEWS!

Don’t nobody bring me….no bad news lol What’s up 100s, this topic has run across me recently and I have to bring it to you. I’m a just get right to it. Would you wanna know if your EX gets married or expecting a child? Let’s drop a scenario...... You’re happy in your relationship and things are going good. You're married, maybe some rugrats, whatever. Then your friend comes to you and acts like they have the most important news for you.... “BITCCHHHHH I ran into so and so yesterday and guess what.... bitch HE GETTIN MARRIED!! And this new hoe, I mean he alright, he ain't you though!”.....pause to roll your eyes lol.... But would you wanna know? My answer is no. If I’m happy in my life, don’t come telling me about no loser from the past. I don’t care about how long we were together or how it ended. I don’t wanna know. Why would I care? I’m the type of person that I wish all my exes the best anyway, good for them. Whatever turmoil they caused me is in the past, I don’t have any ill feelings towards any of them…. well…the majority of them lol just joking. But for real, I’m happily married and my life is amazing. I don’t care what’s going on with them. Now on the flip side, if I wasn’t happy or not married, then…NOPE still wouldn’t wanna know. Lol. I can be honest, if I’m not happy and we ended badly, I might be a little bitter. He showed HIS ass in our relationship AND HE gets the happy ending first!?!?!? Lol Bottom line I don’t wanna know. And you never know what kind of buried emotions you can dig up by bringing up an ex. Some of ya'll say you're good and moved on, but just the mention of their names shakes your soul and sends shivers down your back. My opinion, leave the past in the past, don't bring me no news about somebody I USED TO be with. 

Now, this doesn’t apply if it’s your baby daddy or ex-husband. Baby daddy, is a definite yes, because this is who your child is going to be around! Ex-husband…. I don’t know. If we haven’t spoken in years then maybe not. I really don’t know. So let’s hear your thoughts…would you wanna know? Would you be mad at your friend for bringing you the news? What if you still have feelings for the ex…be honest and above all keep it 100!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Ask Chris: Cheaters Pt. 3

Hey what’s up my 100s!!! I’ve gotten an overwhelming response to my Cheaters blog. So before we move on to the next blog, we’re gonna expand on this one. So our question today comes all the from Virginia! 
“Dear Chris, So I read your Cheaters Blog and it truly got me to thinking. I have suspected my boyfriend of cheating on me for months now. Now please don’t think I’m stalker crazy, but he always goes into another room to talk on the phone. So I try my best to listen. He also has his phone on super tight security and I’m not allowed to go through it at all. I even found a condom underneath my bed. He swears I’m paranoid and the condom was from us. He’s starting to make me feel like I’m crazy, but my gut tells me I’m not wrong. In some instances, it seems like he’s pulling away from me. I don’t know. What do you think? Please tell me something.”

Ok, first of all my fellow 100, I’m glad you enjoyed my blog.Thank you so much for reading. Second, I do not think you’re crazy. Take it from someone who’s been there. To be honest, I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum, meaning, I’ve been wrong and right about my suspicions of my other half cheating. So if you suspect something, do not let your intuition run wild and drive you crazy because it will. So on one hand, you have to be prepared that you may actually be wrong. Talk to him, let him know you wanna talk on a serious note, no bullshit. Keep it 100(no pun intended) with each other. If you’re wrong then that’s a slight relief, however whatever led you to your suspicions need to be addressed as well. I personally don’t believe in the whole extra tight security on the phone. Loosen that grip dude! He can leave it locked, just give up that code ;) As for the condom, is it possible that it could have been from ya’ll? In the heat of the moment, stuff gets thrown anywhere. lol As for the distance, talk about that too. You never wanna feel like that. Communication is key. BUT…if you get enough evidence to prove that what you’re experiencing is indeed an actual jackass move on his part…... Then same rules apply. Don’t play games, bring it to him straight. I’m not gonna say leave him, that is entirely up to you. But he needs to know that going around showing his ass or in this case his dick to everybody or whoever, will not be tolerated! If he can’t agree to an exclusive monogamous relationship then you’ll have to decide at that point if this is something YOU’RE willing to accept and go from there. These things can be tricky but you have to follow your heart and always remember your worth! Good luck to you and thanks for keeping it 100 with me!

And remember, I respond to everyone! You can DM me on all my socials and/or submit an email to

Instagram: therealmrclark88
Twitter: therealmrclark1

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Cheaters….can’t stand em…any questions? Anything related to the word cheat…equals lie. For starters, if someone tells you they cheated because of this or that and it should be ok, that’s a lie. Nothing justifies cheating. I don’t care if your lover cheated first. Two wrongs don’t make a right. If you’re gonna stay with them after their indiscretions, then you should truly forgive them and move forward. I don’t give a damn if they’re not doing something sexually, for whatever reason. That doesn’t generate a go fuck em all pass for you! I don’t give a fuck if your lover shot you in the foot, if you’re still there then you should be willing to forgive them, not coming up with ways to get back at them. Just because someone hurts you in some way doesn’t give you the right to violate them back. Granted we’re all human and I have a strong vindictive urge of revenge when I’m wronged, but at some point when you want your relationship to work you have to truly forgive and move forward. If you can’t then let it go and move on with your life. That’s life, it is what it is. You have to ask yourself is this worth it? Can it be fixed? Just leave them if they hurt you that badly beyond repair. Hurting them won’t make you feel better.

If someone tells you everyone cheats, that’s a lie. Is everyone capable of cheating? Call me cynical but I’ve come to not put anything pass a person’s moral character. Any person is capable of anything. But that doesn’t mean any and every person will do the unthinkable or act immorally. Every man is not a cheater. Gay or straight. I have come across some genuinely good men in my 28 years. Men that are faithful and loyal. They would just leave instead of cheat. Woman too. People think men are the ultimate evil, like they can’t resist the temptations put in front of them. But women act on impulse as well. When they feel lonely or unappreciated, all it takes is the right man on the right day. Don’t act like ya’ll haven’t seen Tyler Perry’s Temptation. Bottom line is, it is all wrong. If you’re not happy, leave. Don’t be selfish trying to have your cake and eat it too. If you can work it out, then do so. Everyone just wants to be happy at the end of the day, stop the justifications and lies and live in your truth. You fuck up, own it. You forgive, release it. And that’s keeping it 100!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ask Chris: Love Triangle

What’s up all my real 100s! It’s the first edition of my new segment Ask Chris. You can contact me on any of my social media outlets and ask me a question and I’ll respond! Today’s question comes all the way from Missouri!
“Dear Chris, I need a blog on what you do when you fall for a guy that is already married but has told u several times he wants to divorce her. Yes, we’ve kissed. But I really like him. I briefly considered not moving cuz of this guy. Honestly, I’m not a homewrecker. This is the first married man I have gotten involved with.”

Ok my fellow real 100, first off, I’m not here to judge you. This is strictly my opinion, but you know I’m a keep it 100 with you. These things never end well. What is he really doing for you, for you to fall for him? Stealing little moments away, can’t call after a certain time, the sneaking around…It all gets real old, really quick. If a man wants to make you his number one, you will be. He’d stop telling you he’s “going to” divorce her and it would be done. He’s not gonna leave her, they rarely do. If he will do this to her, his wife, someone he (once) loved and took vows with, what will he do to you? If his marriage is that horrible, why hasn’t he already divorced her before trying to step to you? If it were me, I wouldn’t stop my plans for him, because he’s definitely not stopping his life for you. You deserve better than this. And you ARE better than this. Imagine if it were you. How would you feel about your husband/boyfriend kissing another woman? Sometimes you have to take yourself out of your own feelings and put yourself in hers. It’s ok to be selfish and do things to make YOU happy at times but not when it comes to someone else’s union. This is just my opinion. I have to say it straight forward so hopefully you’ll take a step back and get a good look at the situation. I hope this helps. It’s never a good thing being someone’s side ANYTHING. It appears cute in songs, but even when you strip it down to real life, it’s an unnecessary and sad situation. Good luck to you and thanks for keeping it 100 with me!

And remember, I respond to everyone! You can DM me on all my socials and/or submit an email to

Instagram: therealmrclark88
Twitter: therealmrclark1

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


What’s up ya’ll! Let’s keep it 100 for the last week of May! So in my own normal fashion…when I hear or see something that intrigues me, I MUST speak out on it. So as it stands, same sex couples are able to marry and share the same benefits as any other couple. Transgenders are able to walk freely (for the most part) and are becoming more accepted every day. The term “gay” is becoming the new normal. Hell they’re even trying to turn Captain America gay…lol… So why is it an issue that, transgenders shouldn’t be able to use the restroom of the gender they identify with? They have been doing it for YEARS. And now because it’s been brought to the light it’s an issue!?!?! I’m sorry, it’s dumb as fuck, that’s my opinion and you’re entitled to yours.

No matter how much of a big step the LGBT community takes, there is always something trying to knock us back. It’s always SOMETHING! But here’s the gotcha, of course I would expect people who are against this community to object, but there are people who “allegedly” pro-gay that object as well. So this is what I have to say, and I’m sure I’ll ruffle some feathers. All these women, fag-hags and gay-lovers that have a problem with it, how are you pro-gay and pro-equality when you have a problem with a transgender using a restroom! Do you think if a woman transitioned into a man that men would have a problem with it????? NO! Men don’t give a fuck! So why it is that, if a man transitions into a woman, that you’d have a problem with them using the women’s restroom???? It ain’t like there are urinals in there!!! Like I said, it’s dumb as fuck, but that’s my opinion. And don’t bring the kids into this, I’m sure there are plenty of things your kids shouldn’t witness under your parental guidance but that doesn’t make you a bad parent! Kids don’t see this shit, all they see is a woman going into a stale and (hopefully) coming out and washing her hands. BIG FUCKING WHOOP!

You know what I’ve come to the conclusion of, women who have a problem with it, really aren’t ok with gays as they appear. Underneath it all, there’s an underlining disgust or/and hatred for gays. You think we’re trying to steal your men and corrupt your kids. Girl bye! Stop pretending!! Please, we have enough people firing off against us, we don’t need FAKE supports as well! Please cut that shit out and keep it 100!

Picture courtesy of:

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Moment for Life...

I wanna start off by saying, RIP to my stepdad. It’s been a year today since you’ve left us and went home to glory…… In 2006, I entered college, a young 18 year old with money and men on my mind. I took a math class that I ended up failing. Not because it was too difficult but because I didn't even try. Over the years, I had to wait to get back in school because being under the age of 24 with no spouse or children, I was considered a "depended" to the eyes of financial aid. So without help, I decided to sit, be patient and wait on God. When I turned 24, I was ready to hit the ground running! FSCJ made me jump through hoops, but I blew my first semester out the water with straight A's. But my past came back to bite me in the ass and I had to sit out another year after my successful one. When I tell you, I wanted my education SO bad, I was given a chance to show that I mean business and it STILL wasn't good enough. So God blessed us and we were able to pay for me to retake the math class I failed out of pocket and I passed it with an A. I've been focused and determined ever since. But that doesn't mean my road got easier. There were many times I wanted to give up, some days I thought, "this shit is just too fucking hard". But I pushed through. My husband and God alone were the only driving forces in my success. Because when I was ready to say FUCK IT ALL, God kept me going and my husband lit a fire in me that forced my determination.

I wish I could say this achievement has been met with overwhelming love and support. There has been haters along the way that have wished ill on us. There has been family along the way that has tried to diminish the importance of this accomplishment. There is friends that have pretended to wish us well, and have turned their backs on us. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You know what I have to say about all that...FUCK IT. My husband is the strongest man I know. And I am so overwhelming proud of him. Even more than myself. We both deserve to be celebrated and met with an overload of positive responses from the people around us. Again, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Everyone wants to attend a graduation party, but don't wanna put up no funds! Don't wanna get out of themselves and put something together!?! GIRL/BOY BYE!!! I personally reached out to people letting them know about this event, date/time/place. I will not chase anyone to be there. Either you will or you won't. I'm not sending a reminder text. If you're getting married, do you send a reminder text to your guests? Thought not... Again...sorry-I ain't sorry! When you hurt me, you only end up hurting yourself....Shout out to my brother for really wanting to be there but unable to. Love ya bro!

I don't mean to get long winded, but I just wanna say this to my husband. Between you and I, we are the FIRST of our parents' children to graduate with a degree. I hope the rest of our siblings will follow suit eventually. But for now, it's just us. We got each other through, and I am proud to walk this stage with you. You are an incredible man. You encouraged me when no one else did. You believed in when I didn't believe in myself. I love you so much. Thank you for putting up with my attitude and those hard moments. I honestly couldn't have done it without you. This one's for you baby! We both deserve to live in this moment and be happy, no matter who's there... And that's keeping it 100!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Girl Talk: Strokes

What's up to all my girls keeping it 100 wit me! It's been a while since we've sat with some cocktails and had a little girl's talk. I think it's way overdue, don't you? So before I begin, anyone new to the girl talks? If you're not familiar with this particular segment and get offended by sexual content, this ain't the place for you boo...Go back and take another spin on Run Its Course Pt. 3 lol Now that that's out the way, let's talk...

So as many of you know by now, The Game has been posting his #Meatprintpapi and #FineniggaFriday pictures. And boy can I say....that man has some meat on HIM!!! Well there was one post in particular where he made us count the strokes. So since then I've been wondering....have any of you counted the strokes before? How many is good enough? He said 20 long hard that too many? Or not enough? Let's dive in...

So after your job has stressed you the fuck out, you come home after a long day. Your man is waiting for you, y'all chill, eat and take a shower (because a shitty ass, smelly balls, funky dick and stinky puss ain't cute) It's time for him to lay the pipe. He kissing the right spots, you're moaning like crazy. And just like that, he's in that thing. He hitting that daddy long stroke, pulling out to the head and sliding in as deep as he can go. How many strokes is good enough? Let's say he hit you with the 20 and then he cums. You good with that? Is 20 hard good strokes enough to make the river flow? Is it too many? Wait...before I continue with that....I think anything less than 20 is just fucking we won't go there. Can you make due with 20? Or should it be 30? 50? Have you ever even counted?

Now I'll be honest, the next scenerio is he daddy long stroking that thing. Dick so good and hitting the right spots you can barely moan his name out! He slide in deep, rubbing, sucking and kissing, just driving you fucking thing you know...y'all both reach the peak and cum together! Shit...damn dick was so good, you ain't have time to count! Or maybe lost count somewhere around

Just a thought. Do you count? If you do, how many is good enough? Let's keep the girl talk going and remember if you're reading we're all freaks, keep it 100!!!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Run its Course Pt 3 (I Ain't Sorry)

In my absence, I’ve had questions wondering when I would return to the Blog. There were times I wondered if my blog hadrun its course. BUT….my creative writing class, reminded me that I have more things to write about! The only way I will be successful is to continue to make it fun for me. Because when it’s not fun for me, it comes off as not genuine and when I’m not genuine, I’m not keeping it 100. 

So with that being said, let me do what I do bestAbout a month or so ago, I was ready to give up on any friendship that didn’t hold a current “active” status in my life. And I wasn’t fucking with new friendships either. I had become a pessimist. But my husband said something that put me in check. I haven’t made a huge effort to be a part of anyone’s life. But I also felt like it wasn’t reciprocated. So I decided I wanted to rebuild certainfriendships again. The people I used to go out with, let’s go! You wanna do lunch? If I’m not broke, let’s go lol. Let’s go get this mani and pedi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m just tired of the “let’s get together” and then it doesn’t happen. I’m tired of being someone’s listening ear for the juice and drama in their life, but when shit all good, my phone got desert dick. I will make time for those who make time for me and who wants to put in effortI don’t need to hang out every day, but for fucks sake, once a month isn’t unrealistic. I actually did a test, I had a friend I was reaching out to every morning, and every morning we’d chat back and forth. Then I wondered, would these morning chats happen if I don’t initiate??? So I stopped. That was a month ago, she hasn’t written me yet. And we live so damn close, it stupid ridiculous.

Another thing… why is it that when you have friends you meet at work; the bond seems so strong that you could be friends FOREVER. But when you no longer work together it’s like……..**crickets**** Damn you change your number and don’t give to me. How could we have “loved” each other like we say? How could we have meant that much to each other, if we don’t care to try? Was Convergys/Citi/ADT/AT&T our only connection? I don’t know…maybe so….who knows…

What I do know is…I want real people around me. My life is transitioning into the next phase of my life. And I want like-minded people around mePeople with goals and love to livelife. I should be able to go to the movies and concerts with my friends, not just my husband. I’m not here to cry friendlet a bitch vent. lol I realize some people aren’t meant to be there for certain season in your life. And I’m fine with that, I just don’t wanna give up on friendships prematurely. Because I’m too old to be talking about “It ain’t nothing to cut that bitch off!” lmao. I’m too grown for that bullshit. 

I love the people in my life right now, I just want the RIGHT people in my life… and that’s me keeping it 100!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Pet Peeve

It is 8:18 PM and I am sick as a dog! It has been a rough year for me so far. I know it has been a while since I've written and let me explain. Last month, I felt mentally out of it. I was uninspired, disconnected from everything and just in an all around funk! I retreated to myself and shut the world out. I didn't care about school, work, writing or anything. I felt disconnected from everything that mattered to me, including my marriage. Every time I opened my mouth to express how I felt, I felt even more silly. Because despite what I felt, I knew I had so much to look forward to and to be grateful for. When it came time for the Carrie Underwood concert, I woke up the day of and decided I was gonna force myself to be happy. All this year, I've been praying more and I knew it had to be the devil trying to steal my joy, literally. So as I tried to push myself out of a very negative space, the devil tried his best to cage me in. My birthday was...well it sucked. The entire weekend wasn't that bad though...but NOTHING went to plan. And then...I started to feel sick. And over the weeks of February, I've gotten worse. What they diagnosed as Bronchitis has apparently mutated. I don't know what the fuck I have right now, but I'm coughing, congested, body aches, extreme fatigue, nausea and on a good day I have a decent voice. No medicine is seeming to work, only suppressing the symptoms a bit. All this on top of maintaining work, school and a little bit of the house. (One had to go lol) So that's where I'm at right now. I'm looking forward to some MUCH NEEDED rest for my two off days. Believe me, my body needs it. I don't know how much more I can handle of this sickness. I never get sick, so this is a major blow for me.

But anyway, I know y'all have been waiting on what I'm gonna do next...For a second, I thought I was out of topics to write about. But while I've been "not at 100%", ya boy has been brain-storming and recharging the batteries. I got more juicy girl talks coming, some short stories I'm a throw in, Opening up the Ask Chris column and of course, I'm a keep it 100! So on my return, we're gonna keep it light-hearted and petty...

I've asked around because I wanted to get a good amount of feedback...What is your pet peeve? For those who doesn't know, a pet peeve is something that just grinds your fucking gears! It aggravates you to no end! We ALL have are some of mine...

Ok, So I'm at the cash register paying for my meal. The cashier asks for my form of payment, I hand her my debit card. She wipes the card and then lays in down on the counter in front of me...This is my number one! I think it is so fucking rude if someone hands you something, IN YOUR HAND, that you lay it down in front of them. I dealt with this a lot when I worked at Blockbuster, the customer would sit the money on the counter and reach their hand out for the change...hell no! Yes I was petty as fuck about it. I even had one person, address me about it. I told them politely, I gave it to you how it was given to me. It's just rude people. Some people don't mean anything by it, but it doesn't change the fact that it's rude as fuck. I saw my husband do it today to a cashier and I was mortified!! I absolutely hate this, this is my BIGGEST pet peeve.

Another would be smacking! Like, close your mouth when you eat!! You're not a damn horse!!! UGH!! I also hate when you're on an elevator about to get off, and the person waiting to get one, walks in before you get off...What the FUCKK! It drives me crazy! That goes the same for stores too, if someone is leaving, as you're walking in, you let them out first then you go in! It's like the rule of thumb!!

I asked a few of my Honky Tonker members (my Luke Bryan group on Facebook) and a few of them said, control freaks, people who pop gum, and mean people. Someone also said, (and this is a good one) people who post vague shit to bait people to comment on their statuses. Y'all know the ones, the "I can't believe this happened" or "Today it's all over" Stuff like that! Now to keep it 100, I HAVE done this once or twice lol But it does aggravated me when people do it. You post these vague ass posts to get people to say "What's wrong" or "I'm here for You" GIRL BYE!! Take yo victim playing ass on somewhere...which was another pet peeve, people who play victim...

Other people I asked said things like, stupid people, bad drivers, people who stand too close to them in line and ignorant and closed minded people. I also heard another good one, Two-faced people! Or people who use bad grammar on Facebook. How the fuck are you going off on somebody, but you talking ignorant as shit. We all see it..."your a bitch ass no job on wellfare as ho. im a beat u ass, wen u get hear." You know, talking all kinds of fucked up. You're=You are. Your=belong to. I'm just saying.

I know some pet peeves can be petty, but who the fuck cares. When you have something that irks the fuck out of you, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. If they got a problem with it, tell em YOU'RE MY PET PEEVE BITCH lol Or how about frontin ass people. If you lame, stop frontin like you a boss! If you ridin in your mama shit, stop frontin like you on that shit. If you know that dick game ain't on point, stop frontin like you bout that life! If your kids want for anything, stop frontin like you a bad bitch! If you gay but frontin for the streets and your fam, get on some grown man shit and stop frontin' ol flip floppin ass mutherfucker! Keep that shit 100!

Monday, February 8, 2016


It's 12:37 PM and it a very cloudy Saturday afternoon. My husband is still sleep and I'm feining for a crab tray. WITH SOME NECK BONES!!!! BITTCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!! lol. But It's been a quick week. This is my birthday weekend, and to be honest it hasn't gone as planned. But I'm rolling with the punches. At this age, with everything else I've been through in life, you have too, right? Well first off let me say I'm sorry to my readers for being away so long. January was a rough month for me. I felt overwhelmed and uninspired. And for any writer that is an unhealthy combination. But I'm back and I'm working my way back to happy. So I have a few things to discuss, so grab you a cup of tea and let's get to it!!

I always get very reflective around my birthday. I think back on who I was and what I was doing a decade ago. So...10 years ago, I was 18, and in college. I ultimately failed that math class, and quite working at the Loop. I went back to work at McDonalds for a LONG 3 weeks and it was hell. The day I got hired at Blockbuster, I never went back to McDonalds. I got my license that summer and moved in with a friend at the time. That situation didn't work out, so I moved back home and continued to work at Blockbuster. That was the brief synopsis of my 18th year of life. But underneath all that, I thought I was grown. I developed at the time what I called a "grown state of mind". And I was still very immature. I was still believing I was Bi-sexual at the time and my confidence in myself was no where near what it is today. I was beginning to learn about Adam4Adam and BGC (BlackGayChat) and that was the beginning of me looking for love in the wrong places. I was looking for love within hookups and expected men to treat me and hold me to a standard that I didn't hold myself to. 18 was a year that I learned I knew nothing about myself and what I wanted or my potential. I was living for that moment, I didn't care about the future.

Now at 28, I have a whole different outlook on what's important and what I want out of life. I understand the value of myself. I know I have great potential when directed at something positive. I understand that I don't have to have EVERYTHING right NOW. It will take time and hard work to get the things I want. At 28, I'm more in love with myself than I have ever been in my life. I realize that friendships come and go, people aren't meant to stay in your life forever. People are unpredictable, all you can do is pray for them. Most importantly, at 28, I realize I'm still a work in progress. I'm still learning, still growing, still maturing, still discovering myself. At 18, I thought life had to be figured out by 25 but, 25 has come and gone and I'm still figuring things out. At 28, I'm learning to let things go and to not take things, people, time for granted. At 28, I'm indeed wiser but still growing.....

Sometimes it helps to reflect on the person you were before. People to judge me on that 18 year old boy. I'm not him. He's not dead, he just grew up. He became a 28 year old man, with passion, goals and dreams who takes a lot less shit lol. But enough with the heavy....

Are y'all ready for Superbowl Sunday???? I could give a shit less about the game, but I'm excited to see Beyonce hit the stage, it's been awhile. Word on the street, she'll be announcing at tour very soon. Here's to that!

Well, that's all I have for today. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. Don't let the weatherman kick you in the balls like he did me. I think I'm about to go look into this crab tray!!! Thanks again for keeping it 100 with the Real Mr Clark!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Rain

It's 1030AM, and it's pouring down raining here in Jacksonville. I'm
laying in bed next to my husband with the window up listening to
pounding water droplets hitting every nearby surface. I close my eyes
for a second to take it all in. Despite everything going on outside these walls, 
work, a hectic day, doctors appointments, the pending homework, I feel tranquility.

Here in this moment I'm able to truly reflect and be my most purest self. Breath
hot lol, hair sticking up, my once gelled edges are frizzy, black
smears from yesterday's eye liner, Drunk on you by Luke Bryan playing
in my head and I'm still me. I'm still diva! Lol Just a basic diva
right now lmao. My week was ok. My husband and I celebrated our first
wedding anniversary on the 12th, school is picking up and ADT is still
ADT. The highlight of my week thus far is this moment. I'm able to
slow down and be still.

The rain is coming down hard and steady, I just wanna go run through
it lol. Why is all of this relevant???? Because there was a time when
I wasn't so happy with my life. Wounds that hadn't healed completely,
broken relationships, communication issues, not praying like I should,
slacking in certain areas.... I'm reflecting. Last year was fun, it was
life changing, and lesson learning. This year, I'm learning to let
things go. Accept things as they are, and accept things I can't
change. Forgiveness. I just wanna be a better me. In 2016, I want to
be closer to God. I'm starting to pray more. I'm learning to let go.
Friendships that aren't contributing to my life in a positive way, I'm
letting go. Situations that happened in the past, hell the past
period, I'm letting go. My future is too bright to look back at the

When I say "keep it 100", it does means that everything I say is gold
or that I know all. I slip too. Sometimes I don't keep it all the way
100. Sometimes I have to follow my own advice and sometimes I don't.
But I can admit to my faults( sometimes later rather than sooner lol)
I'm a work in progress. I can be hard headed and take the rough road
but I'm man enough to admit it. Keeping it 100 isn't just about being
honest with people. It's also about being honest with yourself. It's
about knowing you can't always be honest with people. It sounds crazy
but it's the truth. People say they want the truth but then get mad
when they hear it!

I often look at myself through other's eyes. And people would be
surprised to see the difference! I'm viewed differently by my family,
friends and my husband. Sometimes I sit and think, well which version
am I? I'm still discovering myself. I have a strong sense of who I am
and where I wanna be, but sometimes I question myself. People see a
slew of confidence, and sometimes I see the mountain of insecurities
and issues I have with my physical appearance. People see intelligence
but sometimes I see the opposite. I wish I was as Flawless as I say.
Truth is, I'm just like everyone else. I have issues, dark thoughts,
hopes and dreams.

Drip drip's still raining and I'm wondering to myself if
there's a point to this Blog....I feel like the things I couldn't let
go is being washed away. It's harder than you think, I've held onto
pain for so long, I sometimes don't know how to be happy. I'm about to
be 28 in a few weeks. This year excites me. I feel more determined
than ever. I don't have time for negativity and bullshit. I will be a
better me, a better husband, a better friend, a better writer...The
past can't hurt me anymore. People around you or not around, who
threatens your today with yesterday's bullshit isn't worth having in
your life. Pray about it and let it go. Fuck what people think they
know about you, pray for them and let it go. Stop concerning yourself
with shit that has nothing to do with your goals.This year is about
positivity and growth. I'm still listening to the rain, but I'm no
longer still. It's time to start the hustle and bustle of this day.
This is more of a diary entry than a blog lol I don't remember much of
what I said, I was just speaking my mind. Thanks for reading....and
keeping it 100 with the real mr Clark! Lol time to go from basic diva
to top notch ;)

Sunday, January 10, 2016


It's 12:37AM, and I'm sitting here watching True Blood with my husband, while drinking a Sour Apple Martini!!! First off, WELCOME TO 2016!!!! I look forward to an amazing year. As you know I don't believe in resolutions, so all I will say is, I look forward to becoming closer to God, my husband and strengthening my faith. I just want to be a better Chris. I'm learning to let go of negativity and focus on the positive. But anyway, first blog and I already have something to say. There was an incident recently where I gave unsolicited advice and I had to take a step back and really think about what it means to advise someone. And then it hit me....who the fuck really can!?!?

So, the thing about advice is. It’s subjective. People ask you for advice and really don’t want it. Then why in the hell do they ask you may say/?….Because they want to just vent on the shit that’s on their mind! Your friend doesn’t want you to tell him how much of a useless asshole his boyfriend is. He just wants to vent. Your friend isn't able to tell him these concerns or issues to his face or properly focus his frustrations, so you, the trusted friend, must bare the weight of your friend's relationship issues. And you’re expect to sit there, engage, nod occasionally and when the shocking part comes, you’re supposed to go….GIRLLLLLL that’s fucked up. “Oh no he didn’t”. “Well, Damn!!”. People just want to be heard. But the minute you truly insert your feedback, and join the bashing train. Deep inside your friend’s head, they are a bit insulted that you’re talking bad about their lover. Or when the shit is done hitting the fan, you're expected to forget this conversation and be excited and blissful about their relationship.

People often turn to me for advice and it means so much to me that they value my opinion, but what people have to remember is what I'm saying is MY opinion. What I tell people is based off what I WOULD do. Or what I have done in the past. I let my friends know that it does not represent what THEY should do, or make what I say right. The decisions and choices I’ve made over the years have worked (or not worked) for ME. I like to take a step back, evaluate what I’m being told and provide constructive feedback to the people that ask and truly want my opinion. Who am I to tell someone what they SHOULD do. But even I have to catch myself sometimes.

You also can’t take advice from everybody. What makes a person truly qualified to tell you what you should do with your life? Every situation is different. Similar is not the same. If your man cheat on you and y’all been together for 6 months, and you ask me what you should do because you know my man cheated on me, but we were dating for 6 years….See how that can be different. There is levels to a situation. No two incidents are the same.

I’m not saying don’t seek advice, but just take it in with an open mind. What a person tells you isn’t definite. It’s just relative to the conversation. And the same goes for the person “giving” the advice. Don’t be ‘round her telling people “WHAT THEY SHOULD DO” or “WHAT THEY NEED TO DO”. You can only speak for yourself and what YOU would do or have done.

In my opinion, married folks shouldn't take advice from single friends or family (especially one’s that have never been married) How in the hell can you advice me on what I should do about my husband when you don’t know what it means to even have one!!! No shade but it ain’t no comparison boo-boo. That’s just me though. Even advice from married couples. I don't think anyone can really comment on a marriage. What goes on in a marriage is that couples' business. How you gon tell them what works for them??? No couple is perfect and no marriage is the same. Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do for my husband (especially when you don't have one) or what I should or shouldn't let my husband do based on your opinion.  All in all, be mindful of what you spread with your tongue. There is after all, life and death in the tongue. Stop feeding into drama and breath positvity and real life into situations….and that’s keeping it 100!