Friday, February 26, 2016

Pet Peeve

It is 8:18 PM and I am sick as a dog! It has been a rough year for me so far. I know it has been a while since I've written and let me explain. Last month, I felt mentally out of it. I was uninspired, disconnected from everything and just in an all around funk! I retreated to myself and shut the world out. I didn't care about school, work, writing or anything. I felt disconnected from everything that mattered to me, including my marriage. Every time I opened my mouth to express how I felt, I felt even more silly. Because despite what I felt, I knew I had so much to look forward to and to be grateful for. When it came time for the Carrie Underwood concert, I woke up the day of and decided I was gonna force myself to be happy. All this year, I've been praying more and I knew it had to be the devil trying to steal my joy, literally. So as I tried to push myself out of a very negative space, the devil tried his best to cage me in. My birthday was...well it sucked. The entire weekend wasn't that bad though...but NOTHING went to plan. And then...I started to feel sick. And over the weeks of February, I've gotten worse. What they diagnosed as Bronchitis has apparently mutated. I don't know what the fuck I have right now, but I'm coughing, congested, body aches, extreme fatigue, nausea and on a good day I have a decent voice. No medicine is seeming to work, only suppressing the symptoms a bit. All this on top of maintaining work, school and a little bit of the house. (One had to go lol) So that's where I'm at right now. I'm looking forward to some MUCH NEEDED rest for my two off days. Believe me, my body needs it. I don't know how much more I can handle of this sickness. I never get sick, so this is a major blow for me.

But anyway, I know y'all have been waiting on what I'm gonna do next...For a second, I thought I was out of topics to write about. But while I've been "not at 100%", ya boy has been brain-storming and recharging the batteries. I got more juicy girl talks coming, some short stories I'm a throw in, Opening up the Ask Chris column and of course, I'm a keep it 100! So on my return, we're gonna keep it light-hearted and petty...

I've asked around because I wanted to get a good amount of feedback...What is your pet peeve? For those who doesn't know, a pet peeve is something that just grinds your fucking gears! It aggravates you to no end! We ALL have are some of mine...

Ok, So I'm at the cash register paying for my meal. The cashier asks for my form of payment, I hand her my debit card. She wipes the card and then lays in down on the counter in front of me...This is my number one! I think it is so fucking rude if someone hands you something, IN YOUR HAND, that you lay it down in front of them. I dealt with this a lot when I worked at Blockbuster, the customer would sit the money on the counter and reach their hand out for the change...hell no! Yes I was petty as fuck about it. I even had one person, address me about it. I told them politely, I gave it to you how it was given to me. It's just rude people. Some people don't mean anything by it, but it doesn't change the fact that it's rude as fuck. I saw my husband do it today to a cashier and I was mortified!! I absolutely hate this, this is my BIGGEST pet peeve.

Another would be smacking! Like, close your mouth when you eat!! You're not a damn horse!!! UGH!! I also hate when you're on an elevator about to get off, and the person waiting to get one, walks in before you get off...What the FUCKK! It drives me crazy! That goes the same for stores too, if someone is leaving, as you're walking in, you let them out first then you go in! It's like the rule of thumb!!

I asked a few of my Honky Tonker members (my Luke Bryan group on Facebook) and a few of them said, control freaks, people who pop gum, and mean people. Someone also said, (and this is a good one) people who post vague shit to bait people to comment on their statuses. Y'all know the ones, the "I can't believe this happened" or "Today it's all over" Stuff like that! Now to keep it 100, I HAVE done this once or twice lol But it does aggravated me when people do it. You post these vague ass posts to get people to say "What's wrong" or "I'm here for You" GIRL BYE!! Take yo victim playing ass on somewhere...which was another pet peeve, people who play victim...

Other people I asked said things like, stupid people, bad drivers, people who stand too close to them in line and ignorant and closed minded people. I also heard another good one, Two-faced people! Or people who use bad grammar on Facebook. How the fuck are you going off on somebody, but you talking ignorant as shit. We all see it..."your a bitch ass no job on wellfare as ho. im a beat u ass, wen u get hear." You know, talking all kinds of fucked up. You're=You are. Your=belong to. I'm just saying.

I know some pet peeves can be petty, but who the fuck cares. When you have something that irks the fuck out of you, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. If they got a problem with it, tell em YOU'RE MY PET PEEVE BITCH lol Or how about frontin ass people. If you lame, stop frontin like you a boss! If you ridin in your mama shit, stop frontin like you on that shit. If you know that dick game ain't on point, stop frontin like you bout that life! If your kids want for anything, stop frontin like you a bad bitch! If you gay but frontin for the streets and your fam, get on some grown man shit and stop frontin' ol flip floppin ass mutherfucker! Keep that shit 100!

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