Thursday, June 23, 2016


Cheaters….can’t stand em…any questions? Anything related to the word cheat…equals lie. For starters, if someone tells you they cheated because of this or that and it should be ok, that’s a lie. Nothing justifies cheating. I don’t care if your lover cheated first. Two wrongs don’t make a right. If you’re gonna stay with them after their indiscretions, then you should truly forgive them and move forward. I don’t give a damn if they’re not doing something sexually, for whatever reason. That doesn’t generate a go fuck em all pass for you! I don’t give a fuck if your lover shot you in the foot, if you’re still there then you should be willing to forgive them, not coming up with ways to get back at them. Just because someone hurts you in some way doesn’t give you the right to violate them back. Granted we’re all human and I have a strong vindictive urge of revenge when I’m wronged, but at some point when you want your relationship to work you have to truly forgive and move forward. If you can’t then let it go and move on with your life. That’s life, it is what it is. You have to ask yourself is this worth it? Can it be fixed? Just leave them if they hurt you that badly beyond repair. Hurting them won’t make you feel better.

If someone tells you everyone cheats, that’s a lie. Is everyone capable of cheating? Call me cynical but I’ve come to not put anything pass a person’s moral character. Any person is capable of anything. But that doesn’t mean any and every person will do the unthinkable or act immorally. Every man is not a cheater. Gay or straight. I have come across some genuinely good men in my 28 years. Men that are faithful and loyal. They would just leave instead of cheat. Woman too. People think men are the ultimate evil, like they can’t resist the temptations put in front of them. But women act on impulse as well. When they feel lonely or unappreciated, all it takes is the right man on the right day. Don’t act like ya’ll haven’t seen Tyler Perry’s Temptation. Bottom line is, it is all wrong. If you’re not happy, leave. Don’t be selfish trying to have your cake and eat it too. If you can work it out, then do so. Everyone just wants to be happy at the end of the day, stop the justifications and lies and live in your truth. You fuck up, own it. You forgive, release it. And that’s keeping it 100!

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