Monday, September 5, 2016

Positive State of Mind

What’s up my 100s!!! I hope everyone had a great week! This week has been a bit rough for me. I’m getting back into the swing of school and I’m trying to force myself into new study habits. Lord knows I’m a procrastinator. Through it all, I am determined to stay positive.

Speaking of which, I know that a lot of times when you’re going through it becomes difficult to have a positive state of mind. Letting the devil in and letting him win is not an option. The world is filled with so much hate and discourage right now. The club Massacre. Cops shooting people, people killing cops. The uncertainty of who will win the upcoming presidency. Natural disasters taking away everything you hold dear. Hearts being shattered by betrayal. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like the world is out to get you. It becomes so easy to believe that no cares and it’s better to have a fuck it attitude. Trust me, it’s not. Now more than ever we have to stay positive and promote positivity. Start speaking life with your words. If work is a little shaky, think something positive and hold on to that thought to make it through. If someone fucks your day up, don’t stay in that funk. Speak it out loud, change your whole way of dealing with situations. If your response to everything bad is, sometimes shit just fucking sucks, then what kind of turn around do you think you’ll have.

I’m not perfect, Lord knows I have moments when I’m Debbie Downer. But I try not to let my negative situations get the best of me. I don’t choose the “positive way” every time. But when I do, I feel better... And it may not even happen every single time, but isn’t worth not letting it get the best of you. And that’s all I’m saying, the more you fuel negativity the higher the flame will be. Extinguish it with positivity, you don’t wanna be engulfed and burn the hell up…And that’s keeping it 100! I know that last part was a bit corny but for real though, with so much negative bullshit going on in the world, when are we gonna stop feeding it. Change your thought process and who knows what you can change based off that alone.