Saturday, September 26, 2015

Young and the Restless

It's 5:38AM, and I'm sitting here in the dark thinking about how I'm going to compose this Blog. This week, like the last, has flown by pretty quickly. Homework is thick as ever, and I scratched another female off of my concert bucket list this week. I saw Janet Jackson's Unbreakable Tour! The concert was ok, but it was really a watered down Janet experience. There was no T & A AT ALL!!! And y'all know Janet be half naked on stage. Her production is usually out of this was literally the Come Together Day of Janet concerts... But all in all, it was a moment in time I'll never forget and one that I enjoyed with my husband! This week also brought on the Fall Equinox and the start of the Fall lineup television shows. Empire, Scandal, Vampire Diaries, and Nashville are just a few that I am excited to return! -NO SPOILERS!-  lol Anyway, I write a lot for the grown and sexy crowd, but this week I'm reaching out to my young adults. When I was 18, I thought everything was going to be easy for me. My thought process was I have my job, get an apartment, have my car and live life just as I would as if I was staying with my mom. Well of course, life happened and that wasn't he case. And everyone older know how it was. You can't tell an 18 year old NOTHING! More and more they think they are ready to take on the world and with a companion by their side, they feel invincible. Here are some things I would want my younger readers to keep in mind...

Establish Strengths and Weaknesses: I say this because no one is perfect. No ONE person can do EVERYTHING. If they could they wouldn't need to be in a relationship. No matter how "independent" you are, you have to learn to lean on your partner. Identify what each other are good at and play on those things. I myself am not the greatest at balancing bills. So that is something I let my husband take care of, even from the get go. It doesn't make you weak or a bad partner, it is identifying what you are good at and what the other person is good at and finding a balance in your relationship. So you can have a successful one. Things will go more smoothly when each person stays in their lane and plays their position. Which brings me to my next topic...

Communicate: I can't say it enough. Talk. Talk. Talk. When you are young everything is fresh and new to you. There are so many things in life you have not experienced yet. Living life as a young couple isn't just about working and playing house. You have to talk to each other. Tell each other in respectful ways what is bothering you. I myself have a problem with this. I prefer to communicate through writing, but I have to break out of that. If you're feeling unappreciated, tell your partner. If things seem one-sided, tell them. Open mouths don't get fed...

Plan: If you move in with your partner, things should be established earlier on in the relationship. How will money be done. Will things be split 50/50? Who will be responsible for what? This is based off individual situations, but no one should feel like they are doing more than the other. Talk about your bills, discuss who will pay what, how much money goes into food. Things like that. Both should agree and stick to their arrangement and go from there. If you clash, find a medium that works for both of you.

Boundaries: Young adults jump so quickly into relationships now a days, they forget to set boundaries with each other. Let it be known what will be tolerated and what will not. If you need your own space and time, make that known so it is not an issue later on. How will it be when you have friends over? When you go out, will you want it to be a couples thing or a friends only thing. When these things are agreed upon in the beginning, it makes it hard to be challenged later.

And just be fair to one another. All these things above go hand and hand. Be there for each other and motivate each other. If the person you're with doesn't push you to maximize your potential, then you may have to ask yourself...why am I here? And even though this is for my young adults, these same principles can be applied to anyone starting a new relationship or moving in with their partners. Age means nothing when it comes to the fundamentals of a relationship. It's just if you're mature enough to handle the responsibility that comes with a serious relationship. And that's for anyone at any age. And above all...if you take nothing else away from this... make sure to keep it 100! lol

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Money. Money! Money?

It is 2:30AM, and I'm looking at my Bacardi Pineapple Rum thinking about how it would taste in my Cranberry Juice. lol Anyway, it has been a fast week for me. I have noticed the slight change in weather. It is starting to cool down and Fall is vastly approaching. I won tickets to Luke Bryan and had an awesome time at his concert. I think my fandom has grown since attending, if that is even possible. And I'm looking forward to a much needed movie day with my husband tomorrow. So that about sums it up for me, I hope you all had a great week as well. Well let's get to it, let's say your career has taken off. You're making the money you want to make, you're living life the way you want and you're just in love with your lifestyle. You start dating someone who doesn't make as much as you. Does that matter? And I'm not talking about someone who is just trying to make you a meal ticket. I'm talking about someone who works and pulls their own at their own financial level. I can't speak for anyone else, but my answer is yes. If my husband and I were just dating and I made more than him, I wouldn't care. It should never be one-sided though, like "Oh you make more, so when we go out, you should always pay". That's bullshit! But I think things should be fair and equally yoked. People have this stereotype about men that they should always dominate and make more than their partners to be able to provide. That is not true. Because that will not always be the case! Each situation is different. What ever that particular couple has and it works for them, than that's it. Only way it won't work is if your partner has insecurities about it. Let's face it, men can be a little intimated by power and success sometimes. But I feel like if my man is strong and secure with his ability to be my man and what he can provide in our relationship, then who makes what, will not matter.

Even if the shoe is on the other foot and you're dating someone who makes more than you. Would you be ok with that? Would you be secure enough to handle what comes with dating someone who makes more than you? To be honest, I don't think it would bother me. But this is a what if situation, so who knows unless I was actually in this situation.

Let's take it up a notch, say the person you're with comes into a large sum of money, how would that affect you? I'll be honest, if my husband hit the lotto for a few million, I'm probably gonna kiss ADT goodbye! I hear so many people saying, "Oh I'd quit my job" this, that and the third. But what about your dreams? Your job is not your career, it is not what you love. So yes it is easy to say kiss my ass, I'm rich. But what about your goals? The things you are passionate about? Or even if you date someone who does have a lot of money, and they say, don't work, I got it. Would you give up on the things you love because your coins are stacked in the bank? My husband asked me, if we were rich would I still write this blog. My answer is yes. I love my blog. I have no choice but to keep it 100. I love to write. It is how I express myself best. I'd still be writing poems, books and this blog faithfully. Because I love it, it is my passion. But what about the things that are important to you? Would you still go to school to pursue your degree? Honestly, I do not know. My degree does mean a lot to me, but I would probably slow down a bit. Yeah, money doesn't last forever and you should always have a "backup plan". But sometimes that backup plan shit goes out the window. I want everyone to ask yourself, if you were rich, would you still pursue your dreams? Or would money be enough to fulfill you? And don't forget...Keep it 100!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Girl Talk: Blow

It's 12:54AM and I'm in my living room with the AC in the arctic and the room is pitch black. My drink of choice tonight is my favorite cocktail...Sex on the Beach. It is the perfect blind of fruity and liquor. Before you proceed I must flash my big and beautiful Parental Advisory Label. If you get easily offended or overly uncomfortable about sex, this isn't for you. It's ladies night and it's time for some much needed girl talk. So picture's been a crazy week and you're looking forward to the weekend. Tired but looking forward to spending some much needed couples time with the boo. Ya'll finished dinner and he's gone to take a shower so ya'll can watch movies in the bed. The steam from the shower sends the sexy aroma of his body wash, (you know, the one you bought him because you love how it smells on him) is in the air. You exhale and squeeze them thighs together. Your thoughts run wild. And the intensity of your privacy area has you hot and bothered. You run to kitchen to grab a cup of ice. Like Plies said, "now she suck me with ice" You ready to get it poppin. You step in the bathroom and see the outline of his masculine body and say fuck it. You strip down and join him in the shower. "What you doing?" he asked. "I couldn't wait" you reply. Ever gave head in a shower? Tonight ladies we will dive into the act of oral sex. Now I remember about 10 years ago or so, when pretty much every girl was like...oh no, I'm not sucking no dick. That's nasty, maybe for my husband. Blah Blah Blah. Them hoes was lying! Knowing good and damn well they were going home and gobbling that damn dick down like it was a piece of Popeye's Chicken! Now a days, people have become more comfortable with the subject and admit it openly. I wanna say that a horrible stereotype is that every gay man sucks dick and loves receiving. That is not true. I know gay men who do not enjoy the sucking of a dick, whether big or small, it's not their thing. Usually they are tops. And then there are some bottoms who don't enjoy being on the receiving end...I am one of them. I don't need you to slob the knob, I'll enjoy doing it enough for the both of us! Hell some lesbians don't like getting eaten out. That was news to me, but it is true. So stop with the stereotypes that Oh you gay, you suck dick. Oh you a lesbian, you eat pussy. Just stop it!

Then there are some ladies who just boycott it completely. Now in this day and age, no girl, suck that dick. If not to completion at least in the 4-Play round! Things are getting hot and heavy, kissing, touching, rubbing and he drops them boxers (or briefs) and it's just sitting up all nice and strong. Go down there and say hello! Like what the fuck! Stop boycotting the dick! But you damn sure want him to eat that cooch though! And I know some ladies and bottoms will disagree but if you're in a good relationship, you should be sucking, especially if he enjoys it. Shit suck just to show you care, lol. It ain't right ladies , the shit just ain't right! And then you say, "Oh, I don't suck dick, but you can eat this pussy". Girl bye!

And same thing goes vice versa. If your dude tells you he don't eat the coohie, that muthefucker is lying. I have YET to meet a straight man who doesn't like doing it. So the next question you should ask is, "Did you eat your last girl pussy?" "How about the girl before her?" If that is Yes and yes and followed by a damn excuse....GIRL! THEN you stop sucking his dick! Find out what the problem is. Because he eat coochie, he just ain't eating yours! And if it's really his thing, he may be eating it somewhere else... Ladies don't stand for that shit, "Oh, yeah girl, I don't eat pussy, but you can suck this dick!" Hell NO! Quid pro quo in this bitch! We can 69 this thang on out, when he stop, you do too!

Now if you start getting bored with it, SWITCH THAT THANG UP! Get some ice! Chocolate! SOMETHING! I saw this picture of a chocolate covered dick and I was like...hey baby...I'm going to the store! lol Why not? Whip cream that thing, you don't like chocolate? They have Strawberry and Carmel as well!

Now here are some don'ts, DO NOT bite that man's stuff! The shit is sensitive and teeth hurt! Tuck em in your lips if you have too, you should not be biting him! You should not be using your hands every time, technically, I consider it cheating. Just like Waka said, "look ma no hands!" DO NOT suck the balls too hard, it's unpleasant. DO NOT complain about how long it takes him. You should already know if your man takes a while to bust. So if you're going in knowing that...just be in it for the long haul or keep it in the 4-Play rounds lol.

Ladies don't be afraid to give a little direction when he playing with that clitoris. If the shit don't feel right, find a gentle way to tell him that...Don't be put off head because of bad experiences, especially if you KNOW you like it.

Finally, something becoming more open, is the booty. Like I said before, don't act like you don't like that booty ate. The shit is fucking amazing! I prefer it over the other ANY DAY! Especially if he got good tongue work! Bottoms don't be afraid to ask these tops for it. If you're in a long committed relationship or married, your sex life should be pretty open (within reason).

If you don't like it on your knees, let him lay in the bed, spread eagle and get YOUR eagle on. And don't let anybody make you feel ashamed about what you like to do in the bedroom, with YOUR man because 9 times out of 10 they mad because they man ain't licking that shit right! And that's keeping it 100! Until next girl talk ladies and gays!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Wr!te Up!

Hey Ya'll!!!! So welcome to the first addition of Keep it 100 Presents...THE WR!TE UP! Here I will offer my opinions and reviews on various things I experience during the week like; TV shows, new music, new restaurants and movies. So this week, although I spent most of the week watching some of the old shows we all used to watch like Moesha, The Parkers and Sister Sister. Speaking of these shows, one of the reality shows I watch is Hollywood Divas. This week was the finale of the second season. If you're not familiar it revolves around 5 actresses Paula Jai Parker, Elise Neal, Countess Vaughn, Golden Brooks and Lisa Wu. Shar Jackson also appears as a friend to the cast. In this finale, Paula and her husband Forest had their re commitment ceremony which was ghetto as all hell! Now tell me this, who in hell goes out to the beach to renew their vows with a practically empty bottle of liquor! Now the sentiment was cute, they both drink from the bottle put their vows in the bottle and ship it off to sea. But no, I need Paula show display more class next season. Give your mom back her handicap sticker, clean your house and step your game up diva! Elise Neal back-biting ass is shady as fuck! I saw a different side to her this season, she said and did many things to these ladies and when confronted the bitch tried to sugar coat it and lie. I don't really care for Golden but at least she can own up to what she say. But I have to give it to Countess, the girl was bad this season. Full of life and looking GOOD! But it is hard to watch that show and then The Parkers, it's like two different entities. And don't get me started on Shar Jackson, girl bye!

I also caught the second part of the Love and Hip-Hop:Atlanta Reunion this past Monday. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the rachet shows. This LAHH ATL Reunion was the best so far. I feel like resolutions were made and it was less ignorance. Joseline and Mimi finally came to a mutual understanding and apologized to each other. Deb and Kalenna cleared the air. Joseline also cleared the air with Jessica Dime, and Kalenna and Rasheeda is a bit up in the air I believe. Overall, it was enough drama to balance with the reconciliation. But on a rachet note, I am completely looking forward to Love And Hip: Hollywood! This upcoming second season that starts tomorrow night is going to be explosive!

Married To Medicine was a bit of a blur. Dr. Heavenly gave her normal round of shade while maintaining elegance and class. Toya know good and damn well that she not happy Mariah is back. She hasn't thought about that hoe at all. This upcoming episode the take a group trip so I'll have more feedback next time.

No music or movie news this week, but who knows what will transpire over the next week. Until then, remember to keep it 100 and check out the normal Blog! Enjoy your Labor Day and Have a great week! XOXO

Friday, September 4, 2015

Happy Birthday Bey!

It is September 4! 34 years ago, a family from Houston, Texas gave birth to a beautiful little girl and they wished all the blessings and love over their precious one. And like any parent, they wished for their first born, that all her dreams come true. Well that was an understatement. Because at the age of 34 the little baby girl grew up to be one of the world's biggest most influential entertainers and a force to be recon with in pop culture! I wanna give a shout out to my favorite singer on her 34th birthday!! The things you have accomplished and the people you have touched is unfathomable. I don't know if this will get to you, but I wanna say, I respect you so much. You work hard to give your fans the best of you and I thank you so much. You have touched my life in so many ways, although we have never met, there has been days were I didn't know if I could go on, even in my darkest hours, I got through with a prayer and a Beyoncé song! lol....It really pisses me off when people hate on this woman for no reason, because she is the hottest in the game. PERIOD! This woman works extra hard to give fans their moneys worth. EVERY TIME! She sings her heart out and lord knows this chick be slinging that hair and killin it in those heels!.... I am looking forward to your new music (hopefully soon, like REAL SOON) and the next time I get the chance to see you in concert. I have seen Beyoncé 5 times (6 including DC3) and have not been disappointed by your stage presence at all, EVER! Your music has made me feel like I can be strong when I don't feel like it, be Flawless when my flaws are open for the world to see, and be a diva even when the world looks down on me as ugly, fat or a dreadful divo. Thank you for being you and sometimes giving me the strength to be me! People are gonna hate on me for writing this, but I love Beyoncé and I wanna wish her a Happy Birthday and that's keeping it 100! 


Open Your Eyes

It's 1:56AM and I'm a bit tired from the week. My husband and I have done a lot of running around this week. The weekend is approaching at an accelerated rate and we haven't started on ANY of our homework for this week yet -_-. But now I smell like Gain because we've cleaned this entire home with our new Mr. Clean Gain scented cleaner lol Love this stuff. So a busy homework filled Labor Day weekend, but at least the house is clean! lol. Any who, I'm chilling with a Seagram's Jamaican Me Happy and I'm ready to write. Ok. So this one's for the ladies. I have the utmost respect for women, but sometimes these ladies seem to go deaf and blind when it comes to a man! For instance, these young girls today be with these no good, no jobs, no education fools and then oops! Oh my God! I'm pregnant! But instead of these young ladies thinking...Oh, I'm gonna get my life together and do better for my child so my child won't have to struggle, they get in there minds, that's my baby's father, we have a connection, he's gonna change when the baby comes....Girl Bye! If he wasn't shit before he came in you, then he still won't be shit with a baby in your uterus. No matter how many of these stories happen, these girls still put so much faith in these no good dudes! Just because he lay up with you, eat your food, and fuck you, doesn't mean he's gonna be your husband or a good father. Remember that! And don't get me started with these girls that wanna name these babies after a baby daddy that ain't shit! Girl, what planet are you from?! Where they do that at? (Oh yeah, EARTH!) Like what the fuck! If this mutherfucker ain't making your life easier and more secure at ALL during your pregnancy, he has NO ENTITLEMENT to have a junior! A man should compliment your life not complicate it! Then when his ass get ghost and find another dumb chick to play house with, you wanna regret the shit and give the baby a nickname...Girl Bye! Young ladies be smarter than that! Demand more from these dudes. If he can't match you or bring something more to the table, then cut your loses! Save yourself the stress, headache and pains! But taking this a step further...Let's say you already have a child and you meet a new guy. To be honest, the most important thing is not just how he treats you, but how he treats your child! How can you put up/lay up/play house with, a dude and talk about something serious, but he doesn't love your child? And don't play the coy card with me, because if you weren't so caught up and happy that you're finally getting a lil piece of dick you could notice things. How does he act around your child? Does he promote positive changes? If not, then it's a non factor. Your child should not be AFRAID of the man you're with, especially if he is not their father. Stop turning blind eyes to these things young ladies. Because then when something happens and he does something inappropriate or takes discipline too far, you're now sitting there crying like "I didn't know" "He wasn't like that before". Listen to your children. I'm sorry but if I was a single parent dating, there isn't dick good enough in this world to make me ignore my baby's pleas. When my father met my mother he took in 3 teenagers and loved them like they were his own! Supported them, nurtured them, he wasn't their father but he was definitely a strong father figure. And he treated my mother with the utmost respect. Now THAT'S a real man. Like real talk! Now I've focused on the young ladies but the older ladies do this shit too. They look down on these young girls, talking about what they should be doing, this that and the third but then get a piece of dick and be all dick sprung and acting stupid too! Anyone can make a mistake, but mid 30s, 40s and 50s, you should know better! I'm sorry you should! When 30-40 something women are fulfilled in the career (or even if their not) they make it known they're looking for a good man. It may take them some time, but they finally find the man (they think) God has sent them. Now ladies don't be sold a dollar and dream from these older men. Because they will do it! A opportunist comes in all ages, shapes and sizes! Make sure these men love your kids as well. You may feel like oh it's just teenage rebellion or some shit like that. Yeah sometimes teenagers act out when their mother starts dating a new guy, but when the shit seems out of character from your child, take heed! No matter how old you are, God will still test you if he feels you have not learned from your previous mistakes. And sometimes when the obvious signs seem to slip through the cracks, he sends his message through your child. And sometimes no matter how much of a woman of God you are, if you don't have your eyes open, you won't see what God is trying to show you. Do you hear me? Let me back that thing up one more time! If your eyes are not open to what God is trying to show you, how can you see any form of a sign that you are praying for? And that's real talk! Ladies take the time to get to know these men before you bring them around your children. Rapist, opportunist and Low Lives go to church too! They just pray for different things. One thing you never wanna do, is be so blinded by a man that you alienate everyone around you, including your child. And then when the shit hits the fan and the pieces are falling everywhere, who do you run to? The bottom line is know your worth and have standards when it comes to men. If a man seems to good to be true, then he probably is. Take your time to find out the real deal, and when you do, do not turn blind eye to the signs that he is showing you. I was once told, if someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM! And that's keeping it 100!