Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Wr!te Up!

Hey Ya'll!!!! So welcome to the first addition of Keep it 100 Presents...THE WR!TE UP! Here I will offer my opinions and reviews on various things I experience during the week like; TV shows, new music, new restaurants and movies. So this week, although I spent most of the week watching some of the old shows we all used to watch like Moesha, The Parkers and Sister Sister. Speaking of these shows, one of the reality shows I watch is Hollywood Divas. This week was the finale of the second season. If you're not familiar it revolves around 5 actresses Paula Jai Parker, Elise Neal, Countess Vaughn, Golden Brooks and Lisa Wu. Shar Jackson also appears as a friend to the cast. In this finale, Paula and her husband Forest had their re commitment ceremony which was ghetto as all hell! Now tell me this, who in hell goes out to the beach to renew their vows with a practically empty bottle of liquor! Now the sentiment was cute, they both drink from the bottle put their vows in the bottle and ship it off to sea. But no, I need Paula show display more class next season. Give your mom back her handicap sticker, clean your house and step your game up diva! Elise Neal back-biting ass is shady as fuck! I saw a different side to her this season, she said and did many things to these ladies and when confronted the bitch tried to sugar coat it and lie. I don't really care for Golden but at least she can own up to what she say. But I have to give it to Countess, the girl was bad this season. Full of life and looking GOOD! But it is hard to watch that show and then The Parkers, it's like two different entities. And don't get me started on Shar Jackson, girl bye!

I also caught the second part of the Love and Hip-Hop:Atlanta Reunion this past Monday. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the rachet shows. This LAHH ATL Reunion was the best so far. I feel like resolutions were made and it was less ignorance. Joseline and Mimi finally came to a mutual understanding and apologized to each other. Deb and Kalenna cleared the air. Joseline also cleared the air with Jessica Dime, and Kalenna and Rasheeda is a bit up in the air I believe. Overall, it was enough drama to balance with the reconciliation. But on a rachet note, I am completely looking forward to Love And Hip: Hollywood! This upcoming second season that starts tomorrow night is going to be explosive!

Married To Medicine was a bit of a blur. Dr. Heavenly gave her normal round of shade while maintaining elegance and class. Toya know good and damn well that she not happy Mariah is back. She hasn't thought about that hoe at all. This upcoming episode the take a group trip so I'll have more feedback next time.

No music or movie news this week, but who knows what will transpire over the next week. Until then, remember to keep it 100 and check out the normal Blog! Enjoy your Labor Day and Have a great week! XOXO

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