Friday, February 10, 2017

The Shift

Hey what's up my 100s!!! I know it's been awhile and I've been promising you a blog for 2017. Well, here it is. I hope this year has been treating you very well. So far, I have found myself very blessed for this year. Just a heads up, I have a lot of stuff under construction. I am working on a new Blog site  don't worry it'll be epic. And hopefully it'll bring forth a better blogging experience for you and me! I'll let you know when its ready to be revealed.

I wanna talk about that sudden shift in a friendship dynamic. You know what I mean, we've all been there. You think you have this really good Judy. You know the one that "loves you so much" and you are just  "crazy about them too." But then something happens. An event, or a comment intervenes. All of sudden you start to view this friend in a different light. That's when it happens....The shift. When you're used to that warm feeling you get about a person then all of a sudden things are so cold between you two. Your dynamic is off. Now you're not talking like you used to because one(or both) of you still feels some kind of way about the other and won't address it. So you stay cordial and let things ride. But the more you ignore the shift the further apart you become. I'm sure the simple way to resolve this is to just talk the problem out. But why don't we do this? Why are we doomed to repeat previous cycles? Did we trust too easily or just give up too soon?

I know there isn't a single friendship that is perfect, but if this person was so quick to walk away from, were they ever your friend to being with? I am guilty of this as well. I give my trust away too easy. I invest my heart into a friendship, just for it to be something seasonal. Sometimes I feel I expect too much from people. Just like with work friends. I expect for us to still be friends when either of us leaves the job that binds us. But once the binds are undone, the friendships quickly fade. Why is that? Is there a such things has having a lasting work friendship? You say you love me but when you change your number you don't give it to me. Or you call a person to say hey, I'm thinking about you, they don't answer and text you back "Hey boo u called." I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it, ya'll know I'm always going through some friend thing. It's a bit sad that in my last leg of 20s, I still struggle with the lifetime/seasonal thing. I want so bad to have lifetime friends like "Girlfriends" and "Sex and the City" but I end up with part time work friends that only care as far as the job is concerned. When are we gonna stop letting people treat us like the customers we're on the phones with and start standing to  be treated like someone who is valuable and appreciated for the love and friendship we can provide? Just my thoughts of course, and that's keeping it 100!

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